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Dementia Care - The Herbert Protocol

The Herbert Protocol is named after George Herbert, a veteran of the Normandy landings who lived with dementia. After going missing from home, George was sadly found deceased after returning to the site of his old school.

The Protocol invites carers, family members and friends to complete a form on behalf of a person living with dementia, recording key information such as personal history, medication, places previously located, a photograph etc. In the event of that person then going missing, the form can simply be handed to the Police to help inform a search strategy and identify the most likely areas that the missing person will be found.

Full details of the Herbert Protocol can be found on the Devon & Cornwall Police website where carers and family can also download the form to complete.

The Herbert Protocol

The team also proactively works with the Police and other agencies on projects relevant to dementia planning. The Herbert Protocol was initially launched by West Yorkshire Police and encourages carers of those living with dementia to compile relevant information which could be used in the event of the person they care for going missing.







Information needed to find the missing (Herbert Protocol)

The Herbert Protocol encourages carers or family members of adults living with dementia to collate information on those who are vulnerable onto a form, know as the Herbert Protocol form, that can be given to the police if they go missing.

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Information needed to find the missing (Herbert Protocol)

Do you care for somone who has dementia? Do you worry they may leave their home and go missing? The Herbert Protocol may help find them quickly for more information fo to
What is the Herbert Protocol? Herbert Protocl can help the emergency services locate a person quicker
Useful information about the Herbert Protocol