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200520 | Cornwall council: No fines if kids not sent back to school next month

Cornwall council: No fines if kids not sent back to school next month

 No fines if kids not sent back to school next month

Published by the Pirate FM News Team at 5:33pm 21st May 2020.

Parents who decide that they do not want to send their children back to school next month will not be fined.

Cornwall Council said that it was providing help and support for schools preparing to welcome back more children next month.  read more »

200520 | Should children go back to school on 1st June? It’s nothing to do with us, says Cornwall Council

Should children go back to school on 1st June? It’s nothing to do with us, says Cornwall Council

Posted By Julia Penhaligon on 20th May 2020

By Julia Penhaligon  read more »

Dogs on beaches Public Space Protection Orders Cornwall updated 2020

Dogs on beaches

200514 | Beaches with dog restrictions come into force from tomorrow, Friday 15 May

Beaches with dog restrictions come into force from tomorrow, Friday

Beaches with dog restrictions come into force from tomorrow, Friday

Published by the Pirate FM News Team at 6:19pm 14th May 2020.

By Richard Whitehouse, Local Democracy Reporter  read more »

2019 | Dogs on beaches Public Space Protection Orders Cornwall


What are the current Public Space Protection Orders (Dog on Beaches) in Cornwall?

The current list of PSPO’s shows the PSPO’s that were introduced in 2017, the previous orders and the  read more »

Action for Happiness Meaningful May Calendar

Action for Happiness Meaningful May Calendar

Meaningful May Calendar is full of positive ideas to help look after ourselves and others. These daily actions help us to respond to this crisis with a sense of purpose and meaning, and create a happier and kinder world.

via  read more »

200430 | Grants to small businesses passes £200 million mark

Grants to small businesses passes £200 million mark

Cornwall Council has now paid more than £200m in emergency grant money to small businesses across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly,  read more »

200502 | Cornwall bed and breakfasts can now apply for Covid-19 grant

2nd May

Cornwall bed and breakfasts can now apply for Covid-19 grant

Cornwal <span class='read-more'><a href= read more »

200505 | There are fresh calls to dual Cornwall's last big A30 bottleneck and improve the road

The A30 at Crowlas
The Newtown roundabout near Penzance

Fresh calls for A30 improvements in west Cornwall

Fresh calls for A30 improvements in west Cornwall
image capture sep 2016 2017 google

Published by Sarah Yeoman at 6:54am 5th May 2020.

There are fresh calls to dual Cornwall's last big A30 bottleneck and improve the road.

Campaigners are pushing the government for better road links between St Erth and Penzance.  read more »

200424 | Cornwall Council ranked top in the nation for dishing out nearly 18,000 grants out of the near 24,000 eligible enterpri

Cornwall Council ranked top in the nation for dishing out nearly 18,000 grants out of the near 24,000 eligible enterprises in the district.

Small businesses urged to claim £90m of unpaid grants

Almost 8,000 small businesses across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are being urged to claim £89m of unpaid emergency grant support that is available from Cornwall Council to help them during the Coronavirus crisis.  read more »