Village News

Christmas Lights


NEWS | 24 Feb 2011 | John Bennett's Web Site for Hayle Town Council Issues, Cornwall

Spotted on Friday 11 February 2011 on


24 February 2011. I have now updated the consultee reports for the ING supermarket application. I have also published the officer's report to the committee. Click here.

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Angarrack Angle | Hayle Pump Feb-Mar 2011 | Feb 2011

Spotted in Tuesday 15 February 2011 on Hayle Pump

Angarrack Angle - February 2011

    Fat and Full that’s me, even after escorting many visiting friends at least a dozen times up and down both of the Steamers and Hatches hills in order to show off the Angarrack Lights display. It was yet again another fantastic series of sights enjoyed and shared by the visiting hundreds or should I say thousands that came by car, mini bus and coach, many of whom were simply blown away with the new latest addition ‘12 Drummers drumming’.  read more »

Plans of supermarket giants frustrated | | Feb 2011

Spotted on Friday 11 February 2011 on

Plans of supermarket giants frustrated

Four supermarkets battling for planning permission to build in a Cornish town have been left frustrated after none of the rival bids were accepted.

It took councillors on Cornwall's strategic planning committee more than eight hours to finally decide on the plans, which have divided the community in Hayle.  read more »

Decision deferred on Hayle supermarket applications BBC | Feb 2011

Spotted on Thursday 10 February 2011 on

Decision deferred on Hayle supermarket applications

Hayle Supermarket Decision | | Feb 2011

Spotted on Wednesday 09 February 2011 on


Hayle Supermarket Decision

Posted 12:33pm 9th February 2011.  read more »

NEWS | 3 Feb 2011 | £14.25 million to fund infrastructure for future of Marine Renewables in Hayle |

Spotted on Thursday 3 February 2011 on

£14.25 million to fund infrastructure for future of Marine Renewables in Hayle

Last updated: 03/02/2011

Work has begun on a £14.25 million infrastructure project, which will be the first vital step in the future development of the Marine Renewables sector in Hayle, and the wider economic growth of West Cornwall.  read more »

One of the flood victims in Angarrack, with her pet poodle

One of the flood victims in Angarrack, with her pet poodle from BBC Radio Cornwall's Photos - Wall PhotosOne of the flood victims in Angarrack, with her pet poodle

Drainage Flooding in Angarrack

Flood damage in Angarrack from BBC Radio Cornwall's Photos - Wall PhotosDrainage Flooding in Angarrack