Village News

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PA14/05328 | Westwood Timber Supplies 1 Trenawin Lane Connor Downs Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JG - Erection of 17 dwellings - Mr M Fit

Notice under Article 13 Gwinear-Gwithian - Westwood Timber Supplies 1 Trenawin Lane Connor Downs Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JG - Erection of 17 dwellings - Mr M Fitzgerald - PA14/05328


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140612 | Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust officially announces private firm to provide services | West Briton


Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust officially announces private firm to provide services

By WBJeff | Posted: June 12, 2014  read more »

Absolute disgrace | Letters: The Cornishman, June 12, 2014 | The Cornishman

As reported in The Cornishman/West Briton

Absolute disgrace

I MUST emphasise that this has nothing whatsoever to do with my political beliefs and it was beliefs that are exclusively my own that were comprehensively sickened by the article in recent papers informing us that every secondary school in Cornwall, England and Wales is to receive a book on lessons for living a good life without God, which was written by a Muslim boy brought up in South East London.  read more »

A hub of promise | Letters: The Cornishman, May 29, 2014 | The Cornishman

As reported in The Cornishman/West Briton

A hub of promise

IN 2003, someone came up with the idea of building a wave hub that would reduce Hayle's energy bills and create much-needed employment.  read more »

140522 | Discussions held on St Michael's hospital's closure | The Cornishman


Discussions held on St Michael's hospital's closure

By The Cornishman | Posted: May 22, 2014  read more »