Village News

Christmas Lights


160414 | Hayle in Bloom and the rest of Hayle - i'm sure, would like to offer a huge thank you to Dave Dobson | Facebook

160413 | Local youths From Hayle Rugby Club fundraise to assist in park refurbishment | Facebook

Picture are Under 14 members of Hayle RFC handing two Goal Nets to Graham Coad. These will shortly be fitted to the Goalposts in Hayle Park

160405 | Cranford Developments back in pre-planning application stage for additional retail park in Hayle | The Cornishman



Cranford Developments back in pre-planning application stage for additional retail park in Hayle

By CMKirsteSmith | Posted: April 05, 2016  read more »

160401 | Park and ride system for visitors travelling to the Isles of Scilly planned for land near Lelant | The Cornishman



Park and ride system for visitors travelling to the Isles of Scilly planned for land near Lelant

By CMKirsteSmith | Posted: April 01, 2016  read more »