Village News

Christmas Lights


160228 | The aliens are landing at the Royal Cornwall Museum | West Briton

Armourer Terry English next to  one of his Alien models that will be on display at the Royal Cornwall Museum
Alien head model by Terry English which will be on display at Royal Cornwall Museum’s forthcoming exhibition All Monsters Great and Small
Alien head model by Terry English which will be on display at Royal Cornwall Museum’s forthcoming exhibition All Monsters Great and Small
Alien embryo model by Terry English which will be on display at Royal Cornwall Museum’s forthcoming exhibition All Monsters Great and Small
Monster helmet by Terry English which will be on display at Royal Cornwall Museum’s forthcoming exhibition All Monsters Great and Small
Monster helmet by Terry English which will be on display at Royal Cornwall Museum’s forthcoming exhibition All Monsters Great and Small
Face hugger model by Terry English which will be on display at Royal Cornwall Museum’s forthcoming exhibition All Monsters Great and Small


The aliens are landing at the Royal Cornwall Museum

By WBCaroline | Posted: February 28, 2016  read more »

160108 | BBC Radio Cornwall on Twitter: Terry English who talked to @debbiedotmac about his friendship with #Lemmy - this pic i

Terry English and #Lemmy - this pic is of them on Bodmin Moor
BBC Radio Cornwall on Twitter: "Terry English who talked to @debbiedotmac about his friendship with #Lemmy - this pic is of them on Bodmin Moor

151226 | The Mayors of West Cornwall send out their Christmas messages | The Cornishman

Graham Coad, mayor of Hayle

The Mayors of West Cornwall send out their Christmas messages

By CMKirsteSmith | Posted: December 26, 2015  read more »

160105 | Twelfth Night of Christmas brings celebrations to an end | The Cornishman

Decorations to come down after today

Twelfth Night of Christmas brings celebrations to an end

By CMtgainey | Posted: January 05, 2016  read more »

160107 | Man from Angarrack mourns death of good friend Lemmy from Motorhead | The Cornishman

Terry English with the pool cue Lemmy gave him

Man from Angarrack mourns death of good friend Lemmy from Motorhead

By CMKirsteSmith | Posted: January 07, 2016  read more »

Christmas Lights - Angarrack, Cornwall - heythereChannon // Channon Gray

Christmas Lights – Angarrack, Cornwall

Christmas Lights – Angarrack, Cornwall

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