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Neighbourhood Plan Subcommittee | Minutes of Meeting, 12 November 2013, 5pm at Hayle Community Centre | OCR version

Via (please note passed through an OCR so please check original to confirm details)
Neighbourhood Plan Subcommittee
             Minutes of Meeting, 12 November 2013, 5pm at Hayle Community Centre


       Cllr. John Bennett, Chair
       Cllr. Brian Capper
       Cllr. Nick Farrar
       Cllr. Owen Philp
       Cllr. Dave Cocks
       Cllr. Bob Mims
       Cllr. Clive Polkinghorne
       Cllr. Jayne Ninnes
       Marcus Healan, Cornwall Council Planning Liaison Office
       Chandelle Randall, Cornwall Council CNA Manager
       Angarrack residents:
                 Marion Kennard
                 Mike Witheridge
                 Jeff Cooley

       Cllr. Robb Lello
       Cllr. Graham Coad

   1. Chandelle identified her role as the POC within Cornwall Council. She sits on the NP Group at
      CC which includes Esther Richmond and Mark James. Marcus is our planning link officer.
   2. What is included in the Cornwall Local Plan? High level view of whole area, visions and
      objectives, infrastructure, job targets and employment space, and housing targets.
   3. Gypsies & Travellers: work is under way on a document.
   4. Status of Town Framework: This has not progressed for 6 months due to work on the Cornwall
      Local Plan. There will be a Cornwall Site Allocation Plan to identify where the houses in the
      target could be built. There will be a ratio of jobs to houses.
   5. Is there a definition of affordable housing? Yes but not clear what it is.
   6. Is flooding taken into account? Yes, this is part of the Site Allocation process.
   7. Where does Town Framework fit with NP? The site allocation element of the NP could be in
      the Town Framework making the NP simpler and, perhaps, less contentious. The evidence
      base and the Sustainability Assessment will be done by CC for this element.
   8. Are education needs considered? This is part of the Cornwall Local Plan infrastructure.
   9. Regarding the NP, what is permissible? For example, Penwith Local Plan Policy TV2 prohibits
      building within a ‘green belt’ area surrounding the villages of Phillack and Angarrack. Can this
      be incorporated into the NP? Yes, areas can be protected provided there is an evidence base
      and community support. If we produce a list of issues and policies that we want to include in
         our NP, Marcus and Chandelle will review and suggest the items that are best placed in the
         NP and what might be included elsewhere.
   10.   How should we proceed with the Sustainability Appraisal? Truro is employing a consultant to
         deal with this aspect. Chandelle felt it was mostly a box ticking exercise and should not be
         beyond us.
   11.   Communications: Jo Howard can give advice on how to design the communications aspect of
         the process.
   12.   What help would it make sense to buy in? Feock employed a Project Coordinator. This ensured
         that the process was kept going and did not go through periods of no activity. Chandelle
         suggested talking to St. Ives, Gwinear Gwithian and St Erth to learn from their experience.
   13.   Members of the public from Angarrack reiterated their concern about Hayle expanding
         towards Angarrack. Mike Witheridge shared a letter he had received from DCLG (attached)
         which indicates that protection of green areas around settlements is an appropriate issue for
         the planning process. It was noted that a policy similar to the existing TV2 would be included
         in the NP for discussion. Marcus suggested that it could be raised as a question for
         consultation, for example: “Do you support the creation of a green buffer zone around the
         villages of Angarrack and Phillack?” This would be accompanied by a map.
   14.   Some councillors find the 5pm time slot for NP meetings difficult. There will be no meeting
         next Tuesday and anyone who wishes to attend regularly should contact John Bennett with
         their preferences for meeting day and time.

Notes by John Bennett.

               Hayle Town Council, Hayle Community Centre, 58 Queensway, Hayle, TR27 4NX
                           Town Mayor: Jayne Ninnes • Town Clerk: Eleanor Giggal
                      Tel/Fax: 01736-755005 • Email:
Hayle Town Council, Hayle Community Centre, 58 Queensway, Hayle, TR27 4NX
            Town Mayor: Jayne Ninnes • Town Clerk: Eleanor Giggal
       Tel/Fax: 01736-755005 • Email:

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