Village News

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201022 | Whole year group sent home after positive COVID-19 case at Trevithick Learning Academy in Camborne

Whole year group sent home after positive COVID-19 case at Trevithick Learning Academy in Camborne

The school is asking all children in the bubble to self-isolate for 14 days  read more »

201023 | St Ives School shuts after three staff members test positive for COVID-19

St Ives School shuts after three staff members test positive for COVID-19

All cases were confirmed this week  read more »

201022 | 'Don't come to Cornwall' tourists from Tier 3 areas are told 'Our first priority is to keep our residents safe during

'Don't come to Cornwall' tourists from Tier 3 areas are told

'Our first priority is to keep our residents safe during this pandemic'  read more »

201022 | Eight new areas of Cornwall report coronavirus clusters in latest Government update | 27 areas currently have clusters

Eight new areas of Cornwall report coronavirus clusters in latest Government update

The number of areas with coronavirus clusters - meaning three or more infections - currently stands at 27  read more »

201019 | Pupils isolating after positive Covid-19 test at Penpol School Pupils have been told to stay at home

Pupils isolating after positive Covid-19 test at Penpol School

Pupils have been told to stay at home  read more »

201019 | Fresh Coronavirus figures show 21 new cases in Cornwall

Fresh Coronavirus figures show 21 new cases in Cornwall

There were some minor changes in the parts of the county worst-hit by coronavirus  read more »

201015 | Coronavirus case at St Michael's Hotel in Falmouth

15th October  read more »

201013 | Residents urged to apply for Test and Trace Support Payments

Residents urged to apply for Test and Trace Support Payments

Residents who are receiving certain benefits, are unable to work fro  read more »

201012 | Cornwall placed at medium risk level in three-tier lockdown system The new system was announced by Prime Minister

Cornwall placed at medium risk level in three-tier lockdown system

The new system was announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier today  read more »