Village News

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200922 | Two new areas of Cornwall reporting coronavirus clusters as positive tests spike

Two new areas of Cornwall reporting coronavirus clusters as positive tests spike

It comes as the numbers of positive tests in Cornwall continue to increase.  read more »

200918 | Media statement for Pilgrim's Pride food factory




Media statement for Pilgrim's Pride food factory

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200918 | Coronavirus confirmed at Cornwall food factory

18th September  read more »

200921 | Minister meets tourism sector September 21, 2020 0 195 L-R: Nick Reynolds (Paradise Park), George Eustice MP, Nigel Hu

Nigel Huddleston in Cornwall - L-R: Nick Reynolds (Paradise Park), George Eustice MP, Nigel Huddleston MP, Jonathan Bray

Minister meets tourism sector

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200916 | Respect the rule of six to protect yourself and others | Information sent on behalf of Devon and Cornwall Police

Information sent on behalf of Devon and Cornwall Police
Respect the rule of six to protect yourself and others

Latest coronavirus regulations

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200916 | Frustration over 'farcical' and 'inadequate' COVID-19 testing in Cornwall

Frustration over 'farcical' and 'inadequate' COVID-19 testing in Cornwall

“We’ve heard cases of people being asked to travel miles out of Cornwall for a test, or having to wait more than a week for the results – neither of which is remotely acceptable"  read more »

200916 | 'Urgent changes' needed to Covid testing says council as some forced out of Cornwall

14th September

Cornwall coronavirus testing bad experience - contact council

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