Village News

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200925 | Coronavirus confirmed at Penryn university campus

25th September  read more »

200923 | Seven Cornwall schools and colleges with coronavirus cases

Seven Cornwall schools and colleges with coronavirus cases

By Richard Whitehouse Local Democracy Reporter
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200923 | Over 20 pupils sent home after confirmed case of COVID-19 at Penair School in Truro - stay at home for two weeks

Over 20 pupils sent home after confirmed case of COVID-19 at Penair School in Truro

Children who were in direct contact with the student will have to stay at home for two weeks

Over 20 pupils will have to self-isolate at home for 14 days after a fellow student was diagnosed with COVID-19 at a secondary school in Cornwall.  read more »

200923 | Covid-19: Cornwall now has 10 clusters, and 20 new cases in 24 hours

Covid-19: Cornwall now has 10 clusters, and 20 new cases in 24 hours

Posted By Anne North on 23rd September 2020

By Anne North

There are now 10 Covid-19 clusters in Cornwall, with a developing concentration of cases in the Camborne-Pool-Redruth area.  read more »

200922 | Camborne Academy responds to parents' concerns after pupil tests positive for Covid-19 Parents wanted to know why only

Camborne Academy responds to parents' concerns after pupil tests positive for Covid-19

Parents wanted to know why only one year group has been told to isolate at home  read more »

200923 | Coronavirus test and trace in Cornwall misses three in 10 people, figures show

Coronavirus test and trace in Cornwall misses three in 10 people, figures show

By Katie Williams Data Reporter
Coronavirus testing
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200922 | Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 statement expected to reverse the “back to offices” demands of Cornwall’s MPs of only two week

Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 statement expected to reverse the “back to offices” demands of Cornwall’s MPs of only two weeks ago

Posted By theboss on 22nd September 2020

By Graham Smith  read more »

200922 | Covid-19: Year 8 told to stay away at Camborne Science and International Academy school

Covid-19: Year 8 told to stay away at Camborne Science and International Academy school

Posted By Rashleigh MacFarlane on 22nd September 2020

By Rashleigh MacFarlane  read more »

200920 | Signature ice cream sold in tribute to Falmouth seller who died from coronavirus

Falmouth Dairy ice cream van at Pendennis Point in tribute

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200922 | Coronavirus testing system 'isn't working' says council leader

Coronavirus testing system 'isn't working' says council leader

By Richard Whitehouse Local Democracy Reporter
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