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160122 | Hayle Town Council voted in favour of planning application R&J | Hayle development discussion group | Facebook

Hayle Town Council voted in favour of supporting the planning application that would see R&J supplies demolished for 70 new homes.
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4 people like this.
Ben Cwilewicz
Ben Cwilewicz Despite the numerous concerns Hayle Town Council supported the application providing the following issues were addressed by the developer:

That the five-story flats be relocated at the rear of the site

There be an amenity space where children can play safely seperate from the parking
The developer contact the resident concerned about the effect of the development to his property
The drainage of surface water and rain water into Copperhouse dock is a questionable practice
The nearby junctions receive development including Lethlean Lane which should be a roundabout.
The developer provides at least 30 per cent affordable housing.
Melanie Warren
Melanie Warren Yes it is an eye sore def build
David W Raymer
David W Raymer Suitable style and to fit in with the surrounding homes
Andrew Gorman
Andrew Gorman Get um built can only benefit the local shops
Ken Townend
Ken Townend Five Storeys! Is that going to affect the view of the houses behind. Or are they higher?
David W Raymer
David W Raymer I think in planning you do not own the view so there might be an issue ?
Ken Townend
Ken Townend Five storeys still too high. More properties more Council Tax. Typical nowadays. Feel sorry for those behind. No doubt be overlooked for the first time. Well done HTC.
Rachel Dennis
Rachel Dennis I agree the site is a mess but 70 is way to many. Like the agent said it's not near me, as I my house is on 2 acres of land. Perhaps they could make sure Copper terrace has residents parking ONLY as it's a pain now.
Bill Bowen
Bill Bowen But where will I get 20,000 beach mats from!!???
Ju Lawry
Ju Lawry Ohhh Bill lol x
Nick Spencer Reynolds
Andrew Turner
Andrew Turner Praa Sands ....... like emoticon
Bill Bowen
Bill Bowen phew! Thanks!